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Gaelle and the Ananda Project.
Published on November 25, 2004 By allenstafford In Music
A few years ago I got a CD in a magazine. It had a track on it called "cascades of color" it was by a group called The Ananda Project. Well I was feeling like getting some new music today so I got on the apple music store. I found this Chick called Gaelle she can sing. I won't get into my musical tastes but I don't just by a album I need to know about the artist. So, I got on the internet and did a seach I found out that she did the vocals for the song I liked so long ago. I checked to see what else shed done to see what my album options were, the album/ep that she did with The Ananda Project was there so I got it also. I have a whole lot of stuff to listen to know.
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